Thursday, July 8, 2010

dream catcher

a peculiar source of inspiration to some, including me. everything descends into decay/ chaos. this is a fact of life. a law ,even, of science. by embracing its (decay) imminence, i take proactive steps to face it "better" by trying age well and gracefully- yes, i think of these things even if i have barely reached my prime. this thought extends to my other endeavors as well... especially, design.

i've always thought of how my clothes, like some plants can "die beautifully"; and try to recreate the "state of breaking apart" and highlighting that fragility, which i find extremely beautiful.

this photo set is an exercise in bringing out that fragility exactly by breaking the material apart.

like everything is hanging on a thread....

spider web tshirt, mara chua
shorts, mara chua

Friday, July 2, 2010


i have this thing about naming clothes. i find it cheesy. im more comfortable numbering my clothes instead. prolly cause im more likely to remember numerical combinations than names. though exceptions do happen.

and this one's called pawn.

*dress is made of draped multi-tone jersey
with patent waistband

Thursday, July 1, 2010